Monday, May 9, 2016

Gratitude day #15 - sticking to my guns!

I'm not sure why I made this my title, I just felt like today was one of those days where I just had to stick to my guns!

In other words, stick to my goals and work hard even though I would much rather give up the ghost or have a breakdown!

My main goals right now are simple.
Stick to my meal plan. Prepare healthy and wholesome meals for myself and family.
Daily devotionals
Prayer in the morning and at night before bed.
Read Isabel books
Do a couple creative activities with her
Go on a walk
Get out of the house and explore
Keep the house clean.

I don't do this perfectly, but so far I've been keeping up. However I'm beginning to slow down a lot . my body cannot walk long distances anymore nor can I do long putting with a cranky Isabel. I have a hard time carrying her. It makes it so hard to keep going in the day when my feet hurt and I wonder when will I ever get a break?

Today is a josh at work all day , day. So I made it. And I'm happy. I hope my body goes back to normal after this pregnancy. So I am not so dependent on others or on josh.


1. The meal plan day two, the yummy Asian salad I made. It feels good to eat so well from home!!!
2. Recipe book Donna got me to put all my new recipes in.
3. Ruth , energy healer, offering to help me do work on my babies.
4. Learning new methods to cook different ingredients. Pureeing cauliflower! It was actually very easy! Now that I've done it, I've already overcome that mental block, and it will only be easier to eat healthy from here on out.
5. Got basil at Wilson's nursery's.
6. For Isabel. She's teaching me how to be a better person and motivates me to get myself and my life in line.
7. All the gifts I've been given from my family. I've been given a lot!
8. Hope. One of my biggest blessings is the hope I've felt come through the atonement. To know it'll be fine .
9. A bed. That Isabel is sleeping well.
10. Grace. For magical moments of grace and help I receive that gets me through each day. Even if it's nothing visible or big. Sometimes it's just a feeling of peace that averts a earthquake. Or a breakdown.

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