What is human polarity?
Our bodies are like magnets. Like magnets our bodies have poles (North & South, and also East and West). In a healthy person, the energy is free flowing in a current that is north-south polar (north facing). In an unhealthy person the polarity can be switched e.g. can be E-W, W-E, S-N.
There are many reasons that a person's polarity may be "off". When polarity is "off" it typically means that there is a blockage of life-energy. Pain, emotionally and physically can be the result of this blocked energy.
I don't claim to be an expert in this area, but I do know that our bodies are electrical in nature - and all things are energy and energy can be manipulated and affected by many different external stimuli.
Here is an excerpt from another blog that mentions explains polarity a bit more in depth.
And here is a basic summary of polarity therapy and the history of it for anyone interested.
So I have much more research to do in this area.
One thing I know for sure is that my polarity is off and has been off. According to an intuitive healer my body has literally never known how to be N-S polar. She said I was E-W and she's only seen that one time before.
Upon receiving this information it was as if lightning struck...."that's IT!" It felt so true and right to receive confirmation for what my body has been trying to tell me my entire life. I have sensed something being wrong and off my whole life (not feeling myself, not feeling like I can be myself, feeling low on energy and self-esteem, among many other things). The life force has literally never been able to flow freely through me. This has caused much pain. Spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Back to the Book of Mormon
Reading about how Nephi had cords tied around his wrists and ankles by his wicked brothers and family only after a few days of being out at sea, against his will, Nephi says this:
"And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with cords, and they did treat me with much harshness; nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power, unto the fulfilling of his word which he had spoken concerning the wicked.. and it came to pass that after they had bound me....the compass...did cease to work.So physical pain related to wicked cords and binding. A righteous man. Against his will. On top of that the compass stopped working, and no one on the ship knew which way to steer it.
"And it came to pass that we were about to be swallowed up into the sea...my bretheren began to see that the judgments of God were upon them, and that they should perish save they should repent of their sins; wherefore they came unto me and loosed the bands which were upon my wrists and they had swollen exceedingly and also my ankles and great was the soreness thereof"
This is like the pain we experience when wicked men or women in our lives (ancestral, unclean spirits, family, friends) i.e. external stimuli of any sort - influence our energetic systems and bind us down that our compass or polarity literally stops working and points the wrong direction. It had nothing to do with Nephi. He just happened to be connected to the wickedness by being in the same physical area and was bound so that he could literally not do anything.
Victims of other people's misuse of agency
Despite his victim status, Nephi did not act like one - he continued in the manner of praising and glorifying God:
"Nevertheless I did look unto my God and did praise him all the day long and did not murmer because of mine afflictions."
Even though his compass (source of revelation ceased working), he abides patiently. He prays for help, and believes it will all work out.
Our polarity can be affected by the misuse of other people's agency
The big "unfair" thing is that all of us are born into this world with bodies that are predisposed to spiritual and physical issues inherited by our ancestors, and sometimes reaffirmed by mortal experiences.
Why does this happen? Like Nephi says - so that he can fulfill his word concerning the wicked, or concerning wickedness.
This seems so harsh. But recall all the many instances in the scriptures where the Lord does this: allowing bad things to happen to the innocent -- descendants of wicked men -- because he is simply fulfilling his words. He can't bless the posterity of wicked men. They didn't abide certain laws or commandments. The sin be on the heads of the parents.
Yet even though these children experience some of the repercussions of sin in this life (physical and spiritual pains), they will not be held accountable in the next life for it. What they WILL be held accountable for is how they used their agency despite their trials. \God has lightened every man who comes into this world with tools - the light of Christ or the holy spirit. We are not powerless. We have the power, and the agency and all the tools necessary to make it back into his presence. We are not permanent and helpless victims.
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We come here with all the tools we need. |
We can be like Nephi, who praised and glorified God despite being held against his will and punished unfairly. We do not have to become bitter. We do not have to sit and stew. We can turn to God and he will heal us. Sometimes it takes patience. Sometimes it takes time. Sometimes nothing makes sense. But we have to believe that his promises are sure, and that he has set the way before us.
We can be free from the natural man and the bodies we have inherited!
We are called to be saviors on Mt. Zion for our ancestors. They NEED us not only to do their temple work but to help them process unresolved emotions and deal with trauma and sometimes sin. This is the mindblowing thing. Our job is to hand it over to the Lord - as if they were here - but they cannot do it themselves without our help.
I am hoping that someday my polarity will be permanently healed. I know it can be. I am getting the sense right now that it may be tied to an ancestor and when I help them heal I will heal myself.
Will need to pray about this!
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