I was told the other day by a friend and prompted 3 times in the past 2 days to begin an old fashioned gratitude journal. It really isn't something I have had the desire or motivation to do.
I went to Time Out for Women in Cincinnati yesterday and one of the speakers at the end mentioned a gratitude journal. A friend of mine sitting next to me had just had a discussion about it with me where she was telling me I should do it. I was like, yea yea. I'll start but I know I won't keep up with it!
On the drive back home from TOFW we got into a pretty deep discussion about spiritual blocks and what keeps me from being able to use my spiritual gifts.
I am really putting this whole story into a nutshell but what she told me was she felt that I had spiritual glasses.
I had just learned about this in my intuitive healing class! My mentor told me that when perceiving auras some can be off a sbade or two. Or more because they are wearing glasses (tinted and could be any color). This is where the term "Rose colored glasses" comes from.
She said these glasses you have on prevent you from being able to see your true self. And of seeing the truth. The main issue being I am too hard and judgmental of myself.
The main remedy I was left coming away with was to do this gratitude journal. " don't half A it either!" She said. Okay, okay. I will do this!!
I know turning negative thoughts to positive is a very powerful exercise. It completely re wires our brains. I know there is a power in it. I know so now I have to do! Every day!!
April 24 2014, sunday
1. Mom and Sister babysat Isabel and I got a full 8 hours of sleep in.
2. Woke up exactly at 8 am even without an alarm. Gave me plenty of time to get ready for church. Got to church on time!
3. All the kicking I feel going on in my belly. This baby is active and full of life. There's hardly an hour that goes by that i don't feel him!
4. Receiving confirmation through the same friend that told me to do this journal that the name should be Noah Joseph. I told her I was thinking of Noah and she said "I love Noah Joseph", my mouth went wide and I was like how did you know?? Did I tell you that was what I was thinking for the middle name?? She said no. She was saying nolin Joseph was her best friends boys name, and why she randomly said it I don't know. She's got that spiritual gift. There's no way she could have known.
5. Getting a nap today!! Slept for at least an hour and a half. Oh so refreshing.... And Izzy took a long nap too.
6. Sidewalk chalk. Isabel enjoyed playing with it for a good while.
7. A long walk to Lakeview Park, and getting sun.
8. My Mom messaging me letting me know she missed Isabel and enjoyed her being at my parents all weekend.
9. The smoothie/milkshake that completely rejuvenated me.
10. Being able to sit here and have the time to reflect and meditate on the positive.
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