Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Graditude day #3 - the power of teamwork

So today started out rough. I got to bed late partly on my own account, partly because it was hot, and partly because I'm 28 weeks pregnant and just can't find a comfortable place on the bed. Isabel woke up twice and both times josh got up to tend to her. So grateful. However Isabel woke at 7 am too. So I was at a grouchy start. Josh was late also at getting up. His new goal for studying the act was 6-10 am. I was frustrated because I wanted things to be set in stone. I just want some kind of order and routine in my life. If he changes the time he studies every day than it makes it hard for me to plan life around it.

Luckily the day got better. Maybe it started with reading the book of Mormon and prayer around the table while eating lunch -josh initiated. We rested and relaxed as well. Then we got up and josh had a bunch of stuff to do, people to call. I felt like I needed to take over and give him a break and do the work for him while he gave me a break by taking Isabel outside and playing with her. I was more than happy for my break. So I felt like we got a lot done today. I guess we need to help each other out more, to ease one another's burdens. It definitely made my day more joyful and light. I'll have to think of other ways I can do this.

1. Thunderstorms!
2. My big belly. The blessing of being able to carry a child, the miracle of a flexible body.
3. Josh's playful nature , kid at heart personality. Isabel gets to have so much fun with her Papa. It brings out her playful nature and I absolutely love it.
4. Getting a lot checked off on Josh's list today. Figuring out how to apply to bctc, and making calls.
5. Baskin Robbins 88 cent cones and getting to watch Isabel attempt to lick the icecream from the cup. Enjoying the walk afterwards to see animals at an animal store.
6. Doing the laundry, getting dishes cleaned, clean Isabel's room.
7. Isabel being a picky eater. For the challenge of learning how to feed her. It is also showing me that I need to let go and relax a bit and let her go hungry at times so she will desire more variety of foods. Also gives me something to pray about.
8. Being able to stay home all day every day. It can get tiresome but how lucky am I to get to be home and focus only on my home and my family. I also get to go out and do fun stuff.
9. A body that can function. For not being sick while pregnant.
10. We have money to get by and do fun things and go out to eat. Huge blessing.

1.Her curly hair!!! How it curls when it gets wet.
2. Her endless energy. The way she runs around the grocery store or any store when I let her down. Her squals.
3. The way she looked at me when I played you are my sunshine on my ukulele.

1. He's good with kids.
2. He is willing to change and ssy sorry. For how far he's come.

1. Faith and desire to progress and do better.
2. Being kinder to myself. Letting myself make more mistakes and being more forgiving.

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