Monday, May 2, 2016

Gratitude day #9 - Giving myself some grace and a little more structure

It was a rough morning. Hmm.. I am beginning to see a trend here. This is almost a normal occurance for me. If it's not a picture crashing to the ground it is the baby waking me up. Lately I've had a hard time breathing. So I think I got about 4-5 hrs of sleep. . .

Anyway, I got up after a while because I just couldn't sleep and the thought came to me to just get up and get a head start on my day. I am actually thankful I did because I was able to meal plan and figure out a schedule and organize all the ingredients for our trip to Aldis later that day. I wanted to make sure I got my week off to a good start. Believe me, just knowing and having a plan for meals takes a huge burden off my back and actually replaces with excitement. I'm simple I know. Knowing what I have planned gives the whole family something to look forward to. There is nothing quite like being hungry and not knowing what to eat!! I have learned the hard way. So all these meals are extremely healthy, not pre packaged, lots of veggies!!! And it is all planned out for me for a whole month! Think I'll simply rotate and do it again. We will see. This is an experiment.

Aldis didn't have all the ingredients so I will have to go to Kroger tomorrow to get the rest. Then I will have to cook 2 whole chickens and soak beans for the month. Also reserving broth (homemade)! This alone will save me oodles!! Annnnd no msg!! Beans will be sodium free. I usually go the easy route and buy cans. But this will be way healthier for my body. Ibfeel so good about this. I know I need to give myself grace for those slip ups I'm sure to have. Make sure I don't go at this in an all or nothing way. Food is so important for our bodies and this is my first step in making the changes necessary to sustain my health and well being.

So simple really, but it is a huge breakthrough for me...ADD girl who struggles to initiate anything or to focus and make goals and act and execute my ideas. I'm usually a head in the clouds girl. Routine and planning and structure brings me down to earth and is helping me live intentionally. Some people, including me believe routine is a prison....(false belief!) But I am learning that NO routine is chaos and chaos is a type of prison. The Lord's house is a house of order. I want mine to be too. It is no longer out of reach for me. The Lord is blessing me.

A lady in my energy healing group texted me saying she could work on me today and apparently released many hundreds of generational emotions and feelings that I've been carrying. Especially the preconception trauma. More on that later I'm sure. I am sure the trauma is a min reason for my dibilitations.

Here we go for our 10

1. Isabel finding and playing with a whooly worm! It is so simple a thin but I love exposing her to new and unusual things. I love helping her learn through touch, sight, smell, etc. She got excited. When we let it go, she ran back to see where it went and was sad she couldn't find it.
2. Waking up early to meal plan
3. Trip to. KFC and baskin Robbins. When your pregnant and tired and's heaven.... Good thing I'm meal planning!!
4. Fans in our bedroom...pillow between my legs. Helps me sleep.
5. I was able to keep my kitchen clean today.
6. Walk at the park, seeing Isabel throw a fit because we walked right past the playground . Something she now apparently loves! She's growing up and is so aware!! Sometimes I miss how little and unaware she was. I'm still so used to her being unconscious in a sense , now she has preferences and likes and dislikes.
7. Donna , energy healer, texting me to help do work on me.
8. Short nap.
9. Grace!!! Grace from the Lord, forgiveness , and power I'm receiving to overcome my weaknesses.
10. Being tired at 11 PM. Hopefully I'll be able to reset my clock and then myself into more of a morning person....grace for grace ;)

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